Saturday, September 28, 2013

Bruschetta Chicken over Angel Hair Pasta

This recipe is from the Wheat Belly Cookbook and I made it only because I knew Taylor would like it. It has tomatoes.  I don't like tomatoes.  It has balsamic vinegar.  I don't balsamic vinegar.  Taylor LOVES balsamic vinegar.  So alas, being the selfless person I am, I made this.  And you know what?! It was pretty good, despite my plate of uneaten tomates that remained after the meal was over.  Like a little battlefield of tomato corpses...

The Recipe:

1 pound boneless, skinless chicken breast (I used the frozen tenderloins because they are easier)
1/4 cup balsamic vinegar
6 ripe tomatoes, chopped
1/2 cup fresh basil, thinly sliced
2 tablespoons EVOO
2 cloves garlic, minced
1/2 teaspoon sea salt
3 packages angel hair shirataki, rinsed and drained (I used a box of corn and quinoa blend spaghetti because that shirataki business is *!%@$#^ disgusting!)
1/4 cup shaved parmesan cheese

In a ziplock bag, combine the chicken and vinegar.  Knead to coat the chicken thoroughly.  Refrigerate for 1 hour.

Meanwhile, in a large bowl, combine the tomatoes, basil, oil, garlic, and salt.  Cover and let stand at room temperature for 1 hour.

Cook the pasta.  Grill or broil the chicken.  I broiled it for about 8 minutes, turning once. 

Cut the chicken diagonally into thin slices.  Place atop the pasta.  Top with the tomato mixture and the cheese.

I like this recipe because it is very simple and minimalistic, but very flavorful and refreshing.  Perfect for a summer meal.  This really isn't something I usually like to eat, but Taylor and I really enjoyed it.  Plus, it looks really fancy.  :)

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