Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Ernie's Three-Month Check-Up

Ernie with our son and cute son's-in-law.

Many of you are interested in Ernie's progress.  On January first, Ernie weighed 220 pounds, had high blood pressure, terrible acid reflux and a very gassy disposition.  He made the commitment to go gluten and lactose free for three months.  He also gave up soda pop and his favorite salty snacks.  

Three months later, Ernie weighs in at a svelte 201 pounds.  He looks great and feels even better.  His acid reflux is much improved and is not a much of a problem anymore and his disposition is now just sunny and bright (not g-a-s-s-y)!  He went to the doctor this week for a check up and the doctor said that he was a wonderful specimen of excellent health.  His blood pressure was normal and his blood work came back all in the normal range.  I am so proud of him!

The best part is that he has not felt like he has been on a diet.  There are so many things to eat that are delicious and gluten free.  Plus, he has had an amazing diet coach, chef and cheerleader (that would be me!)


  1. That's so awesome, Uncle Ernie! Way to go!

  2. So happy for you Uncle Ernie! You guys are on it!
